School of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Examination Current location:Home >> Introduction >> Syllabus >> Examination

Oral Examination

  • Simulating an Intl’ Academic Conference
  • Including Chair Opening Remarks, Presentations, Questions & Answers, Panel Discussions
  • 6 Tracks (3 Sessions each): Aerodynamics, Structure & Material, Propulsion, Navigation & Vision, Control, System Engineering
  • Venue: 6 meeting rooms at Aerospace Building
  • Date: Saturday, Week 14
    • S1: 9:30 ~ 11:30
    • S2: 13:00 ~15:00
    • S3: 15:30 ~ 17:30

            Each student shall

  • Every student shall select ONE session by Week 8
  • Dress Code of Session Chairs and ALL Presenters shall be Formal or Business Casual.
  • Each presenter has a 10 min limitation to present
  • All students shall go through Oral Defense with absence as fail

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