School of Aeronautics and Astronautics
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Curriculum Introduction


  • How to use Academic terms
  • How to find proper key words
  • Why is abstract so important
  • What is abstract for
  • How to appreciate and write good abstract
Literature Review
  • Learn basic sentence patterns
  • How to appreciate a survey
  • How to make improvement in literature reading
Essay Writing
  • How to use chart, pictures, equation description properly
  • How to express your mind precisely
  • Find good transitional words and phrases
  • Study writing in academic style
  • How to make good Resume /CV
  • Add recommendation letter / personal statement
  • What are acknowledgement, conclusions and summary for
  • How to write submission Letter
  • Learn argumentative writing
Academic Presentation
  • How to make good PowerPoint for conference
  • Learn speech and Q&A Skills
Conference Culture
  • Preparation – Invitation, Registration, Visa
  • Travel – Accommodation, Venue, Transportation
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